Monday, October 15, 2018

StarBoy's Walkthrough: The Lost Vikings Stage 12S/13G

StarBoy's Walkthrough:
(SNES edition)
October 15th, 2018
Stage 12S/13G - QCKS
Item(s) - 2 healthy fruit A, 1 bomb, 1 healthy fruit B, 1 red key, 1 ham, 1 yellow key
Welcome to a new world of gods and monsters.  Just kidding, there are only monsters here, and not the kind from Toby Fox's Undertale either; I just wanted to quote that famous line from Alex Kurtzman's 2017 incarnation of The Mummy even though I wasn't really that fond of that movie (though I do love Russell Crowe's character whom I thought was the best thing about it, but I digress again).
In all seriousness though, welcome to ancient Egypt (in case the famous notes and instrumentation associated to it didn't tip you off) as the Vikings find themselves in the middle of the desert.  This stage is pretty straightforward, but I'll walk you through anyway.
Take control as Baleog and walk downhill until you're next to a palm tree, climb up it.  There is a wide gap between the two segments separated by quicksand, so in order to get to the other side shoot a couple arrows to the two coconuts on the other palm tree and they'll roll down to fill in a couple spots so you can cross.
Move a little ahead and you'll come across a scorpion who'll shoot three angled projectiles from its tail, so get close to it to swing Baleog's broadsword three times to dispose of it.
There are a few palm trees where each of them has got an item floating above them.  The lowest of them has a healthy fruit A if you feel that you need it, the palm tree beside it has got a bomb which can only be reached by Erik who's the only member that can jump, and the furthest one has got a healthy fruit B on top of it should you feel the need to take it.  Once you're decided whether to take those items, proceed.
Keep moving as Baleog and climb up the palm tree beside the deathly quicksand and shoot at the distant tree's coconuts to make them fall down and conveniently roll over towards you so they'll fill a portion of the gap.
Fall down towards the coconuts beside the very small platform and stay in place to shoot three arrows at the scorpion all the way at the end, but be sure to move out of the way should an angled projectile be flying your way.  Climb up the palm tree and repeat the process with the other coconuts so the Vikings incapable of jumping can cross with ease.  Above the tree is a red key which only Erik can get to by jumping upward.
The entrance to the pyramid is close, but will require the insertion of the key in the red keyhole.  Above the diagonal side of the pyramid is some ham which you can either jump towards as Erik or fall down to it after climbing the tallest palm tree beside the architecture.  Position Olaf in front of the door with his shield by his stead, then insert the key.  As Baleog take down the Egyptian spearman that occasionally leaps upward by landing three hits on him.
Continue as Olaf and position yourself with the shield above your his head at the spot where there's a gap.  Climb up the ladder and take down the two occasionally leaping spearmen, which should be no issue for Baleog (unless you mistimed your attacks or were careless), and once you're through with them there is a healthy fruit A at the end on the right for you to take if you need it.
Now climb up the ladder where Baleog was before as Erik and push the block towards the gap, but be sure that you do it at the opportune time for there is a stationary fireball-spewing cannon that fires every few seconds.  There's a reason for Olaf being positioned like this, so Erik will be able jump out from there because otherwise you're pretty much stuck and will be required to start over (he may be able to jump high, but not that high).  Grab the yellow key when the cannon's not firing, jump over the fire when it fires, and climb down the ladder.  Now walk towards the right as Olaf thereby letting the block fall into place and walk until you're blocked by a column of blocks which requires you to insert the key inside the yellow keyhole.  Walk towards the exit, and you're done!  =)
Awwww, RIP Bill Paxton (1955-2017)  =(
Congratulations, you survived Stage 12S/13G!!!

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